

On Philosophy of Biology: from General Theory to Feminism
摘要 随着科学哲学危机的爆发,生物学哲学为摆脱物理主义传统进行了新的尝试。生物学哲学包含进化生物学哲学、系统生物学哲学、分子生物学哲学、发展生物学哲学、生态保护生物学哲学等,在生物学和哲学交叉的普适理论基础上集中探讨有关科学本质一般问题、生物学的概念困惑以及传统哲学问题。随着女权运动的蓬勃发展,生物学哲学兴起了女权主义研究思潮,将性别视为分析工具,对生物科学展开哲学探究,对遗传决定论、还原论和多元论的再认识提供了新的框架。 With the outbreak of the crisis in the philosophy of science, philosophy of biology has a new attempt to get rid of the physicalism. Philosophy of biology contains philosophy of evolutionary biology, philosophy of systematic biology, philosophy of molecular biology, philosophy of developmental biology, philosophy of ecology and conservation biology, focusing on the general problem about the nature of science, conceptual puzzle of biology and traditional philosophical problems based on the general theory by a cross -disciplinary field of biology and philosophy. With the rapid development of the feminist movement, the feminist perspectives emerge in philosophy of biology, using gender as an analytic tool for philosophically investigating the problems in biological science and proving a new account of genetic determinism, reductionism and pluralism.
出处 《创新》 2016年第5期80-87,共8页 Innovation
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“进化认识论EEM纲领的理论进展及其方法论意蕴研究”(15CZX014)
关键词 物理主义 生物学哲学 普适问题 女权主义 Physicalism Philosophy of Biology General Problem Feminism
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