癌症作为新世纪人类的第一杀手,已严重危害人类生存和健康,且目前的发病率有逐年上升的趋势.据世界癌症研究机构(International Agency for Researchon Cancer,IARC)统计,2012年约有141000000例新发癌症,82000000例患者死于癌症[1].由于肿瘤早期症状不典型,诊断相对困难,多在癌症晚期才被确诊,极大地影响了癌症的治疗时机和预后.
Prenyl diphosphate synthase subunit 2( PDSS2),which encodes the second subunit of prenyl diphosphate synthase,an essential enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q10( Co Q10),is almost expressed in all tissues and organs at different developmental stages of human beings. The abnormal expression of PDSS2 may result in many diseases through impacting the biosynthesis of Co Q10. Recent studies show that PDSS2 gene has decreased in melanoma,gastric cancer,lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma,and the degree of reduced level is closely related to the clinical features,which enlighten us that PDSS2 maybe a tumor suppressor gene involves in the development and progression of carcinoma. This review aims to introduce the recent research progress about PDSS2 gene on carcinoma,discuss its roles and value on cancer research.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology