以野生美国山核桃(Carya illinoensis)引进种子为试材,对其种子特性进行研究,并采用L9(34)正交试验方法进行催芽试验。结果表明,该种批果实较小,单果重平均值为2.68 g,纵径和横径分别为2.7、1.4 cm,出仁率42.8%;该种批含水率在13%左右,净度和优良度分别为99.9%和96%,但该种批发芽率仅41.3%。催芽试验结果表明,不同催芽处理对发芽率和发芽势的影响均存在显著性差异(p<0.05),在已知组合中,A2B1C2(100mg/L的GA3处理3 d)的发芽率和发芽势最好,分别达86.00%和79.86%。极差分析优化可知,用200 mg/L的GA3浸种3 d催芽的发芽率效果最好。用于砧木的进口野生美国山核桃种源,在前一年秋季就应准备好种子,冬季进行低温沙藏层积,春季在播种前用200 mg/L的GA3进行浸种3 d催芽,可以获得高出芽率,并生长迅速。
Traits of imported wild Carya illinoinensis seeds were determined and germination experiments were conducted with L9 (3^4) orthogonal design. The results demonstrate that mean single nut weight was 2.68g, vertical and transverse diameter was 2.7 and 1.4cm with 42.8% kernel. Water content of seeds was about 13% with 99.9% of purity and 96% of quality seed percentage, but open field germination rate had only 41.3%. The experiment showed that different treatments had significant effect on germination rate and force. Treatment A2B1C2 (3 days treatment with 100mg/L of GA3) topped to 86.00% and 79.86% of germination rate and force. Range analysis indicated that treatment of 3 days with 200 mg/L of GA3 would have the best effect of germination rate.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology