
手机终端网络购物的动作标准和动作时间研究——以京东APP为例 被引量:5

Motion Standard and Motion Time of Shoppingon Mobile Phone——Taking Jingdong APP as an Example
摘要 作为效率分析和改善工具的方法,时间研究在制造业得到了广泛的应用,但是该方法在服务业和新兴的电子商务行业中的应用却未见报道.以京东手机APP为例,通过实验设计,对受测者在APP上购物的全过程进行录像,通过动作影像分析,对手机终端顾客的动作标准和时间进行研究.结果发现,顾客在手机终端上的购物动作包括点击、移动、滑动、等待4大类和输入点击、功能键点击、智能联想点击、移动、滑动、浏览思考和等待页面跳转7小类动作.通过比较各种手机购物动作的频次和平均时间,进而分析不同APP页面上影响顾客动作效率的网页设计因素,最后提出了基于效率的手机终端顾客动作的分类及相应的网页设计和改善对策. Abstract: As a tool for analysis and improvement, the method and time studies have been widely used in the field of manufacturing industry. But their applications in the service and electronic commerce industries were rarely reported. Taking Jingdong APP on mobile phone as an example, the shopping processes of volunteers were picture recorded based on experiment design. Then the motion and time standards were discussed based on the motion and video analysis. It is found that the shopping motion of customers on mobile phone mainly includes four types, they are clicking, moving,gliding and waiting, and seven kinds of fine motions are summed up, they are typing clicking,functional key clicking, intelligent relevance clicking,moving,gliding,navigation thinking and webpage transition waiting. Based on the time study, the frequency and average time of each motion were analyzed and compared, and the factors that influence the motion efficiency of main webpages were summarized. At last, the shopping motions on mobile phone were grouped according to the motion efficiency. The improving principles and policies were put up accordingly.
出处 《上海理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期387-393,共7页 Journal of University of Shanghai For Science and Technology
基金 上海理工大学博士启动基金资助项目(BSQD201508)
关键词 动作研究 时间研究 移动购物 motion study time study mobile shopping
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