
动物气溶胶吸入暴露装置的研制 被引量:3

Development of an animal exposure device to aerosol inhalation
摘要 目的:根据吸入药物治疗、疫苗气溶胶免疫和吸入毒理等研究及评价的需要,研制一种可进行包括药物、疫苗、微生物气溶胶、PM2.5粒子及纳米粒子等气溶胶动物吸入暴露的新装置。方法:根据小鼠、大鼠和豚鼠等实验动物的大小、呼吸量、一次实验的动物数量以及气溶胶均匀性要求,设计动物气溶胶吸入暴露系统;依据实验室生物安全和防护的要求,设计暴露装置的负压隔离防护系统;并对该装置进行性能测试验证。结果:经实验测试,该装置具有动物吸入暴露、防护功能,其性能达到了相关标准的要求。结论:动物气溶胶吸入暴露装置可进行动物气溶胶吸入暴露实验,具有对实验环境和人员的防护功能,以及对实验过程的压力、温湿度和含氧量实时监测的功能,适用于毒理、病原微生物和疫苗等气溶胶暴露研究的实验室。 Objective To develop a new animal aerosol exposure device making inhalationtoxicology investigation for drug aerosol, vaccine aerosol, microbiology aerosol, PM2.5 particlesand nanoparticles according to the research and evaluation on the treatment of drug inhalation,vaccine aerosols and toxicology inhalation. Methods: According to the size, respiratoryvolume, quantity of the experiment animal (including mice, rats and guinea pigs etc) andaerosol homogeneity, the animal aerosol exposure system has been designed. According to therequirements of laboratory biosafety and protection, the negative pressure protection systemhas been designed. The performance of the device have been tested and validated. Results:The performance of the device is up to relative standards by comparing with the testing results.Conclusion: The device has been used for animal aerosol exposure experiment. The device protects experimentalenvironment and operators from experimental aerosol, and can monitor the pressure, temperature, relative humidity,oxygen concentration of the exposure system in real time. It also can be suitable for all kinds of animal aerosol exposurein laboratory.
出处 《中国医学装备》 2016年第9期1-5,共5页 China Medical Equipment
基金 国家科技重大专项(2012ZX10003005/09)"气溶胶暴露装置的研制及在结核病治疗中的应用"
关键词 气溶胶 实验动物 吸入暴露设备 设计原理 Aerosol Experiment animal Inhaled exposure apparatus Design and principle
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