
众创空间构建中的问题及建议 被引量:1

Problems and Proposals in Building Public Innovation Space
摘要 对众创空间的发展进行了梳理,归纳了构建众创空间的四种模式,通过对上海、合肥两地部分众创空间和政府部门的访谈调研,总结了构建众创空间时易出现的三种问题,指出降低门槛、提升服务、利用存量资源、虚拟化和同业整合并购是其未来发展方向。 This paper reviews the development of public innovation space and generalizes four modes of constructing the public innovation space. Through investigating some of the public innovation spaces and government departments in Shanghai and Hefei, the paper summarizes three problems which often occur in building the public innovation space, and also points out that lowering the threshold, promoting the service, using the existing assets, virtualizing, integrating and merging among the same industry, are the future development directions.
作者 王永智
出处 《安徽广播电视大学学报》 2016年第3期51-54,共4页 Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University
基金 安徽省人文社科重点项目(项目编号:SK2016A0190) 安徽广播电视大学科研项目(项目编号:sk08-12)
关键词 众创空间 模式 整合 public innovation space pattern integration
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