

Political Wisdom of "Sea-crossing Rule" :the National Governance in British Anjou Dynasty
摘要 英国安茹王朝是英国政治制度发展史上的重要阶段,通过构建国家行政体系实现"跨海而治",基本上奠定了后来英国政治发展的大框架。安茹王朝时期英国的国家行政体系主要分为两大部分,中央行政体系和地方郡区制。中央行政体系大致有国王、国王政府、议会等重要组成部分,其中议会的产生、确立、发展是中古西欧政治制度史上的大事。安茹王朝时期王权主要通过郡区制对地方实行有效的统治。 British Aniou Dynasty is an important stage in the history of the development of the British political system. By building a national administrative system to realize the "sea-crossing rule", British political development framework is basically laid. In Anjou Dynasty British national administrative system mainly is divided into two parts, i. e, the central administrative system and the local system of county area. The cen- tral administrative system roughly includes the king, the British government, the parliament and so on. The generation, establishment and development of the parliament are the important events in the history of medieval Western Europe's political system. The royal power in Anjou Dynasty is mainly through the system of county area to implement the effective rule.
作者 王艳
出处 《安徽广播电视大学学报》 2016年第3期112-116,128,共6页 Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University
关键词 英国 安茹王朝 国家行政体系 Britain Anjou Dynasty national administrative system
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