
基于自我决定理论的用户参与协同知识生产的动机因素探究 被引量:8

The Factors Explored of User Participation in Collaborative Knowledge Production Based on the Theory of the Self-determination Motivation
摘要 新媒体开创了新的传播模式,知识生产模式逐步向协同生产变革。本研究提出"协同知识生产社区"的概念与具体分类,在自我决定的理论基础和用户调查的数据基础上,总结出影响用户参与协同知识生产的动机因素,并结合内部动机、外部动机、基本心理需要等方面构建用户参与动机模型,以及为相关社区的运营发展提出了建议和对策,希望能够为协同知识生产社区的用户研究提供参考和借鉴。 New media created a new propagation model, the knowledge production pattern gradually changing to the collab- orative production. This study proposed the concept and specific classification of "collaborative knowledge production community", file paper concluded that the motivation factors affected users participate in collaborative knowledge production through the self- de- termination theory and user's survey data, and combined with the internal motivation, external motivation, basic psychological needs to construct user participation motivation model, as well as putting forward the suggestions and for eonllnu- nlty development, hoping to provide a reference for collaborative knowledge production community's user research.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期95-100,共6页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"数据资产视角下出版大数据的构建与应用模式研究"(项目编号:16BXW031)研究成果之一
关键词 协同生产 在线知识社区 用户动机 自我决定理论 collaborative production online knowledge community user motivation self- determination theory
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