对摩洛哥塔法雅(Tarfaya)地区油页岩在SJ型方炉中干馏的热平衡和物料平衡进行了计算。结果表明,干馏1 000 kg塔法雅油页岩总需热为981 754.62 k J,干馏炉内总供热546 985.08 k J,需要燃烧15.85 m3的干馏气维持干馏过程中的热量平衡;入方总质量为1 585.71 kg,出方总质量为1 583.96 kg,损失质量为1.75 kg,基本能够维持干馏炉内物料平衡。
The heat balance and material balance of Tarfaya oil shale in retorting were estimated. The results show that total heat for 1 000 kg oil shale retorting is 981 754.62 k J and total provided heat for SJ-retort is 546 985.08 k J. About 15.85 m3 retorting gas is needed to combust to keep heat balance. The total mass into SJ-retort is 1 585.71 kg and the total mass out of SJ-retort is 1 583.96 kg. The basic material balance can be maintained in SJ-retort.
Contemporary Chemical Industry