
行政诉讼裁判基准时之考量因素与确定规则——以撤销诉讼为中心的考察 被引量:5

The Considerable Factors and Rules on Decisions about the Benchmark Time of Judgment in Administrative Litigation: A Discussion Centering on the Revocation Litigation
摘要 行政诉讼裁判基准时,旨在解决法院在行政诉讼中应以何时之事实及法律状态针对诉的理由具备性加以判断的问题。作为行政诉讼裁判基准时最主要的学理分歧,处分时说与判决时说因侧重点不同,并不存在绝对的孰是孰非,也无法简单地以"原则/例外"的模式来应对所有案件。法院对行政诉讼裁判基准时的确定,应以综合权衡个案中的各项考量因素为基础。在综合权衡的过程中,行政诉讼裁判基准时遵循"层递式"的确定规则:首先,根据首要考量因素——现行法的规定及其推论来确定;其次,现行法未规定且无法作出合理推论的,斟酌个案中的其余考量因素来确定;最后,依个案中不同考量因素将推出不同裁判基准时的,以修正的判决时说来确定。 The benchmark time of judgment in administrative litigation should decide to judge suit’s rationality in administrative litigation based on which time’s factual and legal status. As the main doctrinal differences of the benchmark time of judgment in administrative litigation,the theory of behavior’s time and the theory of judgment’s time have emphasis respectively. The above theories are not right or wrong absolutely,and unable to deal with all cases merely with the mode of "principles or exceptions". The benchmark time of judgment in administrative litigation should be decided on the basis of weighing the considerable factors of a certain case synthetically. In the process,the benchmark time of judgment in administrative litigation follows progressive rules on confirmation: firstly,it should be decided according to "provisions of the existing law and its corollaries",which is the primary considerable factor; secondly,if "provisions of the existing law and its corollaries"doesn’t exist,other considerable factors of a certain case should be considered; lastly,If different benchmark time of judgment would be inferred from considerable factors of a certain case,the theory of correctional judgment’s time may be the best choice.
作者 梁君瑜
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 2016年第5期30-37,共8页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目"不当行政行为救济研究"的阶段性研究成果(项目编号:09SFB2017)
关键词 裁判基准时 考量因素 综合权衡 确定规则 修正的判决时说 the benchmark time of judgment considerable factors weighing synthetically rules on decision the theory of correctional judgment’s time
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