
中国新型城镇化发展中的城市权利问题反思 被引量:2

The Reflection of the Right to the City During the Development of the New Urbanization of China
摘要 我国城镇化发展已经站在新的历史起点上。在我国新型城镇化发展过程中,城市权利问题不容忽视。以城市权利作为研究突破口,对城市权利及相关问题进行详细的分析和论证,对城市化是一把必须正视的"双刃剑"问题和城市居民的福祉是城市权利的价值依归问题进行了明确的解释,并且对我国城镇化过程中城市权利问题的实际进展,也进行了一定程度的梳理。在此基础上,结合包括列斐伏尔和哈维在内的西方城市研究专家关于城市权利的分析,逐渐廓清城市权利的基本内涵,并通过厘清我国城镇化指导思想的演进脉络、分析各项城市权利在我国城市中的落实情况,以及我国城市理论的再探寻三大方面,详细阐释我国城市权利以及我国政府近些年所做的努力。对我国新型城镇化过程中城市权利的研究,是深入研究我国城镇化道路的基本前提,具有非常重要的理论和实践价值。 Our country's urbanization development now stands at a new starting point. During the development of new urbanization of China, the problems about city rights cannot be ignored. Choosing it as a breakthrough, the paper analyzes and demonstrates the city rights and some other related problems in detail, giving a clear of explanation of the problem of the urbanization is a double-edged sword and the welfare of urban residents is a value orientation for city rights. In addition to these aspects, teasing the actual progress of city rights during the development of urbanization of China to some extent. And on this basis, in combination with the analysis of city rights of Lefebvre and Harvey and some other western experts on cities, the paper gradually makes it clear that the basic connotation of city rights, and presumably clarifies the evolution process of the guiding ideology of the urbanization in our country, analyzes the implementation of all kinds of city rights in our cities, and explores the theory of the city rights in our country. Through three aspects, formulating the city rights and the efforts of our government in our country, the study on the city rights of the development of urbanization in our country is a basic premise for our in-depth study on the urbanization paths of our country, which is of great significance in theory and practice.
作者 赵娟
出处 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第4期104-108,共5页 Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 新型城镇化 城市权利 反思 the new urbanization city rights the reflection
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