
民用飞机球面框的优化和方案设计 被引量:1

Optimization and design of spherical frame at civil aircraft
摘要 机身球面框是民用飞机机身增压舱的端框,是飞机的主要结构部件。球面框复杂的结构形式和装配要求,极大地增加了设计难度。在某型号飞机的概念设计阶段,基于先进的Opti Struct优化技术,对球面框初始构型进行了拓扑优化。参照优化后的密度云图,调整经向加筋的结构位置,给出3种满足强度要求和刚度要求的初始设计方案。使用MSC.Patran建立细节有限元模型模拟3种方案,计算每个球面框方案在增压载荷工况下的应力分布,为后续详细结构设计提供数据支持。 The spherical frame is the bulkhead of pressure cabin at civil aircraft,which is a major part of fuselage structure. The complicated configuration and assembly requirement of spherical frame remarkably increase the difficulty in design. The initial configuration of spherical frame was topologically optimized based on the advanced Opti Struct technique in the initial stage of structural concept design. According to the density plots,the structural locations of meridian stiffeners were adjusted,and three initial project designs were proposed to meet the requirements about strength and rigidity. Detailed finite element model was built to simulate the spherical frame of fuselage using MSC. Patran through the three designs,and the stress distribution under the pressurized load was respectively calculated for the designs,which provides the data support for detailed structure design in the future.
出处 《沈阳航空航天大学学报》 2016年第4期85-88,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Aerospace University
关键词 民用飞机 球面框 优化 有限元 应力 civil aircraft spherical frame optimization finite element stress
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