
新父母学堂对出院新生儿父母家庭照护能力的影响 被引量:8

Influence of new parents course on family care ability of discharged newborn parents
摘要 目的:探讨新父母学堂对出院新生儿父母家庭照护能力的影响。方法:选择2013年1月~2014年12月在其社区医院辖区的新生儿父母300名,采用随机数字表法将其等分为观察组和对照组,观察组在产妇孕产期采用新父母学堂对准父母进行家庭护理培训;对照组新生儿出院前采用传统的口头教育的方式进行健康教育,比较两组新生儿家长对护理的满意度、对新生儿家庭护理知识技能的掌握情况及出院后7d回访患儿健康情况。结果:观察组、对照组新生儿父母对护理的满意度分别为98.67%和94.67%,组间比较差异非常明显(P〈0.05);观察组、对照组对新生儿家庭照护知识的掌握率分别是97.33%和73.33%,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);出院后7d回访,观察组、对照组新生儿不良情况发生率22.67%和47.33%,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);观察组、对照组父母对新生儿体重增长的满意度分别为96.67%和78.67%,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:新父母学堂能够明显提高新生儿父母对护理的满意度,增强其对新生儿的家庭照护能力,预防各种新生儿疾病、促进新生儿健康成长有重要意义。 Objective : To explore the influence of new parents course on family care ability of discharged newborn parents. Methods : Selected 300 newborn parents in the community hospital area from January 2013 to December 2014, divided them into observation group and control group with random number table. The observation group conducted family care training on expectant parents with the method of new parents courses during pregnancy and maternity, while the control group conducted health education with traditional verbal education before the newborns discharged. Compared nursing satisfaction, master condition of newborn family care knowledge and skill of newborn parents in the two groups and newborns'health condition of the return visit on the 7th day after discharge. Results: The nursing satisfaction of newborn parents in the observation group and the control group were respectively 98.67% and 94.67% , and the difference between the groups was very obvious (P 〈0.05). The master rate of newborn family care knowledge of the observation group and the control group were respectively 97.33% and 73.33%, and the difference between the groups was of statistical significance ( P 〈 0.05 ). In the return visit on the 7th day after discharge, the incidence of unfavorable condition of newborns in the observation group and the control group were respectively 22.67% and 47.33% , and the difference between the groups was of statistical significance (P 〈 0.05 ). The satisfaction degree on newborn' s weight increase of parents in the observation group and the control group were respectively 96.67% and 78.67%, and the difference between the two groups was of statistical significance ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: The new parents course can effectively improve newborn parents' satisfaction on care, enhance their family care ability towards newborns, prevent various newborn diseases and propel newborns to grow healthily.
作者 周志勤
机构地区 中信惠州医院
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2016年第16期145-147,共3页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 新父母学堂 新生儿 健康教育 家庭护理 New parents course Newborn Health education Family care
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