[ Objective] To investigate the effect of surgery versus conservative treatment for Coony type II distal radius frac- ture, so as to provide a basis for reasonable clinical diagnosis and treatment. [ Method] A controlled clinical trial was performed in 106 patients with Coon-~T type II distal radius fracture who were admitted to out hospital from March 2013 to April 2015. Ac- cording to treatment modality, the patients were divided into surgical treatment group (open reduction and internal fixation with T -shaped anatomic plate) and conservative treatment group (manual reduction combined with external fixation with shapeable small splint). The pain in the wrist, wrist joint function, and patients" quality of life after treatment were compared between the two groups. [ Result] All the 106 patients completed the 1 - year follow - up. All the patients in the surgical treatment group a- chieved anatomical reduction,among whom 1 patient experienced Sudeck bone atrophy after surgery. In the conservative treat- ment group, 10 patients experienced malunion,including 3 patients who did not undergo reexamination in time due to splint loos- ening, which further caused serious fracture deformity and poor function. At 6 weeks,3 months, and 6 months after treatment, the surgical treatment group showed significantly better Gartland -Werley score and Patient -rated Wrist Evaluation score than the conservative treatment group ( P 〈 0.05 ), but the differences were gradually reduced over the time of follow - up. At the 1 - year follow- up,the treatment outcome showed no significant difference between the two groups (P 〉0.05). [ Conclusion] In the treatment of Coony type Ⅱ distal radius fracture, both surgical treatment and conservative treatment achieve good effects. Compared with conservative treatment, surgical treatment can realize anatomical reduction and rigid fixation and avoid fracture redis- placement and shows a significantly better early therapeutic effect. However, since conservative treatment is simple, cheap, and less painful, factors such as the patient's functional requirements, age and economic conditions need to be considered in clinical practice so as to develop individualized treatment strategies.
Orthopedic Journal of China
distal radius extra - articular fracture, ra- diocarpal joint, orthopedic manipulation, fracture fixation, postoperative complication