
微囊法棘球蚴继发感染小鼠动物模型的建立 被引量:12

Establishment of secondary hydatid disease infection in mice with cystic and alveolar Echinococcus cysts cultured invitro
摘要 目的通过体外培养原头蚴发育成微囊,经腹腔注射建立稳定的细粒棘球蚴和多房棘球蚴继发感染小鼠动物模型。方法无菌条件下采集羊源细粒棘球绦虫原头蚴和鼠源多房棘球绦虫原头蚴,经胃蛋白酶消化后检测虫体活力并计数,于37℃、5%CO2条件下进行体外培养至发育成微囊,以每鼠50个微囊的剂量经腹腔注射的途径分别接种BALB/c小鼠。接种6个月后,通过腹部解剖大体观察和病理检测分析各组小鼠的感染情况及包虫囊的生长情况。结果原头蚴在体外培养60d时发育成微囊,显微镜下观察Eg具有明显的透明角质层结构,而Em微囊角质层较薄。小鼠细粒棘球蚴和多房棘球蚴的感染率均为100%,Eg包虫囊为游离单囊,成囊率达70%,囊内无原头蚴;Em包虫囊为类似肿瘤的团块状组织,病灶内有生发囊及原头蚴。结论采用微囊法可建立稳定的棘球蚴继发感染小鼠动物模型,为疫苗研制、药物筛选和疗效判定提供研究动物模型。 We established a stable mice model for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis (CE and AE) infection. E. granulosus (Eg) protoscoleces were aspirated and pooled from sheep liver hydatid cysts collected from a slaughterhouse in Urumqi. E. multilocularis (Era) protoscoleces were aspirated from hamster rats infected with protoscoleces of Era. Pepsin digested protoscoleces of two species of Echinococcus were cultured to small cysts. BALB/c mice were each intraperitoneally (i. p) transplanted with 50 small cultured cysts of Eg or Em. Hydatid cysts were collected from the mice and processed for histopathological examination by HE staining after six month of transplantation infection. To evaluate the success of the established animal model for infection with Eg and Era, the mice were sacrificed and the cyst number in each of the mice was counted. After 60 days cultured in vitro, we found that protoscoleces of Eg and Em were differentiated into small cysts and Eg cysts had a thicker cell free laminated layer compared to the laminated layer of Em cysts. All the mice were infected successfully; the infection rates were 100%. Eg hydatid cysts formed many single capsules in the peritoneal cavity of mice and we obtained a recovery rate (viability) of 70% in term of success of transplanted small cysts. However, Ern hydatid cysts generated cell mass from the germinal layer which then formed brood capsules and produced protoscoleces observed in the small brood capsules. The process of in vitro cultured protoscoleces of Echinococcus remarkably increases the success of established cysts in mice.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期784-788,共5页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.U1303203 U1303222 31260272) 新疆重大疾病医学重点实验室开放课题(SKLIB-XJMDR-2015-Y4) 新疆医学动物模型研究重点实验室开放课题(XJDX1103-2013-09)~~
关键词 细粒棘球蚴 多房棘球蚴 原头蚴 微囊 小鼠 感染动物模型 Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis protoscoleces small cysts mouse, animal models
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