
戊型肝炎病毒衣壳蛋白及其中和表位的结构研究进展 被引量:1

Structure studies on hepatitis E virus capsid protein and its underlying neutralization epitope
摘要 戊型肝炎是由戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)引起的病毒性肝炎,被证实为人兽共患病,该病症对免疫力低下人群和已有基础性肝病的患者的危害更为显著。戊肝病毒主要通过粪口途径传播,猪是其主要的天然宿主。近年来,关于戊肝病毒的衣壳蛋白及其表位结构的研究取得了重要的进展,对于戊肝病毒的病毒学研究和戊肝疫苗的机制探讨起着重要的指导意义。本文将综述HEV病毒衣壳蛋白的结构研究和中和表位的结构基础,着重说明戊肝病毒中和表位存在型特异性和型交叉两种特征,提示型交叉表位与人兽共患现象的关系。 Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a causative pathogen of hepatitis E,one of the major acute infectious diseases,which has been recently proved as a zoonosis with main virus reservoir in domestic pigs. The virus is mainly spread by fecal-oral route and it's more likely to infect the immunocompromised population and those who have suffered from liver disease. To date, there are numbers progress on the structure of hepatitis E virus eapsid proteins and their immune complex with neutralizing mono- clonal antibodies. These knowledge advances our understanding on the virology and immunology of hepatitis E virus,and subse- quently benefits for the research and development of hepatitis E vaccine. Here,we review the key points in regard to the structure determination and immunologically functional basis of hepatitis E virus capsid protein. The summarized advances might shed lights on the theoretical basis for genotype specificity,eross-genotype feature and their correlation to zoonotic hepatitis E disease.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期825-831,共7页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
关键词 戊型肝炎病毒 人兽共患 结构 中和表位 hepatitis E virus (HEV) zoonosis structure neutralization epitope
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