
血清TGF-β1和尿微量白蛋白在妊娠高血压早期肾损害诊断中的意义 被引量:18

Value of serum TGF-β1 and microalbuminuria in diagnosing early renal damage in gestational hypertension
摘要 目的探讨血清转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)及尿微量白蛋白(m Alb)在妊娠高血压早期肾损害诊断中的临床意义。方法选取妊娠期高血压疾病(HDCP)孕妇110例,设为观察组,另取健康孕妇38例设为对照组,观察组孕妇细分为妊娠期高血压(40例),子痫前期轻度(33例),子痫前期重度(37例)。对所有孕妇血TGF-β1、尿m Alb、血尿素氮(BUN)及肌酐(Cr)水平进行检测。结果观察组血清TGF-β1、尿m Alb水平极显著高于对照组(t值分别为15.222、15.087,均P〈0.01);观察组中的妊娠高血压组、轻度子痫前期组、重度子痫前期组血清TGF-β1、尿m Alb,与对照组比较,均具有极显著统计学差异(t值10.479~33.882,均P〈0.01)。观察组血清BUN和Cr水平均显著高于对照组(t尿素氮=4.745,P〈0.01;t肌酐=3.342,P〈0.05);观察组中的轻度子痫前期组和重度子痫前期组的BUN值,与对照组比较均有显著的差异(t轻度子痫前期组=2.006,P〈0.05;t重度子痫前期组=9.125,P〈0.01);观察组中的重度子痫前期组的Cr值极显著高于对照组(t=7.135,P〈0.01)。HDCP孕妇血清TGF-β1及尿m Alb水平与BUN及Cr水平呈正相关,差异具有统计学意义(r值分别为0.999、0.997、0.999、1.000,均P〈0.05)。结论血TGF-β1、尿m Alb是HDCP早期肾损害的灵敏指标,其临床应用有助于HDCP早期肾损害的诊断,这对在早期及时有效地对疾病进行干预,以保障母婴安全具有重要的临床意义。 Objective To investigate the clinical value of serum TGF-β1 and microalbuminuria in the diagnosis of early renal damage in gestational hypertension. Methods A total of 110 pregnant women with hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy( HDCP) were set in experiment group,and 38 health pregnant women were regarded in control group. The experiment group was subdivided into gestational hypertension group( 40 cases),mild preeclampsia group( 33 cases) and severe preeclampsia group( 37 cases). The levels of serum TGF-β1,urinary m Alb,serum BUN and serum Cr were tested for all pregnant women. Results The levels of serum TGF-β1 and urinary m Alb in the experiment group were significantly higher than those in the control group( t value was 15. 222 and 15. 087,respectively,both P〈0. 01). Compared to the control group,the levels of serum TGF-β1 and urinary m Alb in the three subdivided groups( gestational hypertension group,mild preeclampsia group and severe preeclampsia group) of the experiment group were with obvious statistically difference( t value ranged 10. 479-33. 882,all P〈0. 01). Besides,the levels of serum BUN and serum Cr in the experiment group were evidently higher than those in the control group( tbun= 4. 745,P〈0. 01; tCr= 3. 342,P〈0. 05). The level of serum BUN in the mild preeclampsia group and severe preeclampsia group were significantly different compared to that in the control group( tmild preeclampsia group=2. 006,P〈0. 05; tsevere preeclampsia group= 9. 125,P〈0. 01). The level of serum Cr in the severe preeclampsia group was extremely higher than that of the control group( t = 7. 135,P〈0. 01). The levels of serum TGF-β1 and urinary m Alb had positive correlation with the levels of serum BUN and serum Cr in HDCP women( r value was 0. 999,0. 997,0. 999 and 1. 000,respectively,all P〈0. 05). Conclusion The serum TGF-β1 and urinary m Alb serve as the sensitive indicators for the diagnosis of early renal damage,and its clinical application of these two indicators is conducive to the diagnosis of early renal damage in HDCP. Meanwhile,it also exerts important clinical significance on the timely intervention to the disease in the early stage and ensures the safety of perinatal mother and child thereof.
作者 成丽 黄群敏
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2016年第8期968-970,共3页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
关键词 妊娠期高血压疾病 早期肾损害 血清转化生长因子Β1 尿微量白蛋白 hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy(HDCP) early renal damage serum TGF-β1 urinary m Alb
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