
踝臂指数对透析患者血管钙化的评估价值 被引量:1

The Relationship Between Ankle Brachial Index and Vascular Calcification in Maintenance Dialysis Patients
摘要 目的:了解踝臂指数对维持性透析患者血管钙化的评估价值。方法:纳入我院血液净化中心130例维持性透析患者,记录相关临床资料,完善实验室检查,以X线片(双手正位、骨盆平片、腹部侧位片、胸部正侧位片)评价血管钙化情况,无创性全自动动脉测量仪检查踝臂指数。以t检验及相关分析了解踝臂指数与血管钙化的关系。结果:踝臂指数单因素分析中,踝臂指数在血管钙化评分总分≥3分组明显低于血管钙化总评分<3分组,髂动脉、股动脉、尺动脉钙化组ABI值低于无钙化组。双变量相关分析中,踝臂指数均与骨盆平片钙化评分、血管钙化评分总分负相关。以上结果有统计学意义。结论:踝臂指数与血管钙化评分有良好的相关性,踝臂指数的减少对中动脉钙化的评估意义较大。 Objective: To evaluate the meaning of ankle brachial index to vascular calcification in maintenance dialysis patients. Methods: One hundred and thirty patients in maintenance dialysis wear enrolled in this study. The related clinical data was included and recorded. The examination of X- ray( chests,lateral abdomens,pelvis and hands) was done to estimate vascular calcification in patients. Ankle brachial index was measured by non- invasive arterial measuring instrument,to analyze the relationship between pulse wave velocity and vascular calcification using t- test and Spearson analysis. Results: By univariate analysis,ankle brachial index was significantly lower in patients with a vascular score ≥3 than that 〈3,ankle brachial index was significantly lower in patients with calcification in iliac arteries,Femoral arteries and ulnar artery than that in non- calcification group. By bivariate correlation analysis,Ankle brachial index was negatively associated with vascular calcification scores respectively in plain radiographic films of pelvis and in total. Conclusion: Ankle brachial index was a good index to evaluate calcification of medium- sized arteries.
出处 《中国中西医结合肾病杂志》 2016年第8期686-688,共3页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Nephrology
基金 佛山市科技局立项项目(No.2015AB002093)
关键词 踝臂指数 维持性透析 血管钙化 Ankle brachial index Maintenance dialysis Vascular calcification
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