
叙利亚内战中的外籍武装人员研究 被引量:1

Studies on Armed Personnel with Foreign Nationalities in Syrian Civil War
摘要 叙利亚内战爆发至今,全世界多个国家的两万多名外籍武装人员参加了这场内战。从现实影响来看,外籍武装人员的参与,不但导致了这场内战冲突加剧和久拖不决,而且还助长了内战中形成的极端组织的扩张和蔓延。从潜在威胁来看,这些在叙利亚内战中接受极端主义思想观念并参加暴力武装冲突的外籍人员回国后,将成为未来恐怖主义威胁的潜在根源。从2015和2016年法国等国出现的大规模恐怖主义袭击事件中,已经可以看到这种潜在恐怖主义威胁的端倪。相关国家针对这种潜在威胁所采取的防范措施,目前还难见成效。 Since the outbreak of the civil war in Syria,more than twenty thousand armed personnel with foreign nationalities from many countries joined the war. Viewing from its realistic impacts,the joining of foreign armed men not only worsened the conflicts in the protracted civil war,but also promoted the expanding of the radical organizations emerged in the war. Viewed from the potential threats,these armed men with foreign nationalities,who received extremism thoughts and experienced violence during the Syrian civil war,will become potential threats of terrorism after their return,which could be proved by large-scale terrorism attacks in countries such as France in 2015 and2016. However,relative countries' precautionary measures toward these threats remain in vain.
作者 汪波
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2016年第5期50-64,119,共15页 Arab World Studies
基金 教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目"欧洲穆斯林群体及其对欧洲国家中东政策的影响研究"(14JJD810013)的阶段性成果
关键词 叙利亚内战 外籍武装人员 恐怖主义威胁 极端主义 Syrian Civil War Foreign Armed Personnel Terrorist Threat Extremism
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  • 1Alistair Bell and Tom Brown, "US Spy Chiefs Say Number of Foreign Militants in Syria Rises,"Reuters, January 29, 2014, http://www.reuters.c~m/artic~e/2014/01/29/us-usa-security-syria-idUSBREA~S~XL20140129.
  • 2Kevin Baron, "The Number of Foreign Fighters in Syria Exceeds 12000 and Rising," Defense One, July 15, 2014, http ://www. defenseone, com/threats/2014/07/the-number-of-foreign-fighters-in-Syria-now-exceeds-12000 - rising/89732/.
  • 3"Head of the Delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic at the 68th Session of the United Nations General As- sembly, "September 30, 2013, http://gadebate.un.org/sites/default/files/gastatements/68/SYen.pdf.
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  • 5Lachlan Carmichael, "'3,000 European Jihadis' Now in Syria, Iraq," Jakarta Post, September 24, 2014, http ://www. thejakartapost, corn/news/2014/09/24/3000 - european-jihadis-now-syria-iraq, html.
  • 6Kylie Morris, "How British Women Are Joining the Jihad in Syria," Channel 4 News, 23 July 2013, ht- m.//www.channel4.com/news/svda-rebels-iihad-british-forei~n-assad.
  • 7Video Shows US Jihadist Burning His Passport in Syria," A1Arabiya English, July 30, 2014, http:// english.alarabiya, net/en/News/world/2014/07/30/Video-shows-U-S-jihadist-buming-his-passport-in-Syria-, html.
  • 8"The A1-Nusra Front Recently Carried Out A Suicide Bombing Attack in Aleppo, Using A British Foreign Fighter," The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, http://www, terrorism-info, org. il/en/ article/20622.
  • 9Bill Roggio, "ISIS Names Danish, French Suicide Bombers Killed in Ninewa Division," The Long War Journal, May 20, 2014, http://www.~ngwarj~uma~.~rg/archives/2014/05/isis-namesdanish-fr.php.
  • 10Anthea Mitchell, "Why Are Foreign Muslims Joining ISIL?," Cheat Sheet, October 9, 2014, http :// www.cheatsheet, com/politics/why-are-foreign-muslims-joining-isil, html/? a = viewall.











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