目的探讨原发肺腺癌乳腺转移的临床特点。方法回顾性分析6例经病理证实的原发肺腺癌乳腺转移患者的临床资料。结果 6例均为女性,5例患者的乳腺转移病灶表现为无痛性、生长迅速的乳腺单发结节,1例表现为弥漫性乳房红肿。乳腺转移可以是原发肺腺癌的首发症状,也可在病程中出现。6例患者乳腺转移灶的病理均为腺癌,免疫组化结果显示:5例患者的雌激素受体为阴性,1例为弱阳性;孕激素受体均为阴性;5例患者甲状腺转化因子1表达强阳性,1例阳性。结论有原发肺腺癌病史和快速增长的乳腺结节患者需考虑乳腺转移。免疫组化是鉴别原发或继发乳腺恶性肿瘤的关键。
Objective To discuss the clinical features of the breast metastases from primary lung adenocarcinoma. Method Clinical profile of six patients with pathologically confirmed breast metastases from primary lung adenocarcino-ma were retrospectively analyzed. Result All the six patients were females, in which 5 cases had breast metastases pre-sented as solitary, painless nodule with rapid growth. One was with diffuse swollen and red breast. These breast metasta-ses were either initial symptoms derived from primary lung cancer, or occurred during disease progression. Pathology of all the breast lesions were adenocarcinoma. The results of IHC showed that estrogen receptor were negative in 5 and weakly positive in 1 of the 6 patients, progesterone receptor were all negative, while thyroid transcription factor-1 were strongly positive in 5 and positive in 1 of the 6 patients. Conclusion Breast metastases should be considered in patients with prior lung adenocarcinoma or that had breast nodules with rapid growth. IHC is essential in distinguishing primary breast carcinoma from a metastatic one.
Oncology Progress
primary lung adenocarcinoma
breast metastasis