In order to investigate the effects of channel morphology adjustment on waterway condition in Guan-zhou reach after the impoundment of the Three Gorge Reservoir, 2D hydrodynamic numerical model was used tostudy the relationship between the changes of topography and hydraulic characteristics at low water periods. The re-sults show that the scouring of the left branch arouses the adjustment of diversion ratio, weakens the controlling ef-fects on the low flow water level and enhances the upstream transmission of the water level drop caused by the ero-sion of downstream reach. The scouring of the left branch also leads to the change of the cross section velocity at en-trance of Lujiahe reach. The velocity of the left branch reduces and the right increases. The changes of flow condi-tions cause deposition in Yuanyang sand bar and erosion in right branch of Lujiahe reach, which are harmful to thewaterway conditions of Lujiahe reach. To maintain a stable water level in the upstream and ensure the scouring dy-namic conditions of the downstream shoals, the Guanzhou reach should be protected and the water diversion ratio be-tween the two branches should be controlled.
Journal of Waterway and Harbor
Guanzhou branch
adjustment of topography
2D numerical model
the low flow water level