

Shelter, delay, and deconstruction
摘要 伊恩·麦克尤恩在长篇小说《赎罪》中的关于人性、伦理和历史的深度拷问显示了其深广的笔力和深邃的思想。主人公布里奥妮从"犯罪"到赎罪历经了漫长的过程:少年时期耽于幻想,于种种遮蔽之下而"犯下罪责";青年时期逐渐认清自己的过错及造成的后果,但对于真相的揭露却一再延宕;老年时期,欲以几经修改的写作来完成赎罪,但"罪"的产生和"赎罪"的这一形式随着文本的解构已经变得可疑。小说《赎罪》则在这样的方式下完成其叙事策略的建构。 Ian McEwan showed his powerful stroke and deep thoughts about humanity, ethic and history in full-length novel Atonement. The leading character Briony had experienced long process from "crime" to atonement. She addicted to fantastical tales when she was a teenager, then committed a crime under the shelter. She recognize her fault and the potential consequences in her youth, but delayed in uncovering the truth for many times. When she was in old age, she wished to atone for her crime by writing, however the "crime" and atonement had already been suspicious after textual deconstruction. The novel Atonement accomplished its construction of the narrative strategies.
作者 李晶晶
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2016年第3期73-76,共4页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
关键词 伊恩·麦克尤恩 《赎罪》 布里奥妮 叙事策略 遮蔽 延宕 解构 Ian McEwan Atonement Briony the narrative strategies shelter delay deconstruction
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