绘本又称为图画书(picture book),在欧美首先发展和盛行,20世纪90年代进入中国大陆,近10年间掀起了一股引进出版热潮,其翻译问题也开始引起翻译界的注意。然而,近年围绕其开展的翻译研究大多仅限于语际翻译视角即仅仅关注不同语言符号间的意义转换,而未考虑到绘本文本的特殊性。作为面向儿童的以图文符号为表达手段的文本,笔者认为仅限于语际翻译研究视角的绘本翻译研究是不全面的,忽略了绘本这一文本类型中图画的重要性。某种意义上,儿童绘本中的图画在文本叙述以及意义阐释上扮演着举足轻重的角色。因此,本文试从雅各布森翻译三分法对儿童绘本翻译本体作进一步阐述,重点从符际翻译视角讨论儿童绘本翻译中的"忠实"和"文化"问题,以期更全面地认识该翻译现象,并期待引起学界对于"符际翻译"视角的重视。
Picture book, originated and developed in Europe and America, was introduced to China Mainland in the 1990 s, and its surging introduction. In the recent 10 years solicited much attention from the academia of translation studies. However, when it comes to the translation of children's picture books, most researches confine their analyses and discussion within the perspective of interlingual translation which merely focuses on the transfer of meaning across two different linguistic signs and takes no consideration of the feature of picture book. Picture book is essentially a kind of text with the combination of pictorial signs and verbal signs as the way of expression and narration. And in most cases, it is picture that plays a significant role in facilitating the text narration and interpretation of picture books. Hence, the current research view seems inadequate and needs to incorporate new perspectives such as intersemiotic translation which places the equal importance onto the pictorial and verbal signs. This paper based on Jacobson's translation trichotomy attempts to explore the issues of the translation ontology of children's picture books and discuss the fidelity and cultural issues in their translation process especially from the perspective of intersemiotic translation, which in author's opinion should be reintroduced into translation studies as a means for achieving a better understanding of translator's decision-making, and if possible, as a new angle necessarily adopted for the future translation studies.
Journal of Beijing International Studies University
children's picture books
intersemiotic translation
the relationship between pictorial and verbal signs