
全国高校辅导员年度人物与高校辅导员专业发展 被引量:4

National College Counselors of the Year and the Professional Development of College Counselors
摘要 2008—2015年的82名全国高校辅导员年度人物是全国13万多高校专职辅导员中的典型代表,具有代表广泛、典型性强、先进事迹感人、社会影响大等特点。全国高校辅导员年度人物具有高度的职业认同感、先进的立德树人理念、创新的实践育人模式和多元的专业发展方式等教育理念,他们可被称之为教育家型辅导员,是高校辅导员专业化职业化的核心标志。形成与建构个人教育哲学是教育家型辅导员成长的关键。 82 National College Counselors of the Year from 2008 to 2015 are typical representatives of more than 130 000 college counselors,who have the characteristics of a broad represent^ strong typical,advanced deeds and social impact. National College Counselors of the Year have a high degree of occupation identity belief, advanced education concept, innovative educational mode and multiple ways of professional development, who have be called "college counselor as educationist" that is the symbol of professional development of college counselors. To build the personal philosophy of education is the key that every college counselor grows into educationist-oriented counselor.
作者 李明忠
出处 《保定学院学报》 2016年第5期89-94,共6页 Journal of Baoding University
基金 国家社会科学基金2011年度教育学青年课题"高校优秀辅导员的成长规律与培养策略研究"(CIA110142)
关键词 教育家型辅导员 全国高校辅导员年度人物 个人教育哲学 educationist-oriented counselor National College Counselors of the Year personal philosophy of education
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