Township financial functions mainly focus on assist levy, special funds for the specific purposes and delivery of public services since the implementation of the township-finance-supervised-by-county system since 2008 in Yunnan Province. Based on the performance in Yinqiu Town, the budget management system has such positive impacts on the transition of township government functions, urban and rural development, new rural construction, comprehensive rural reform, maintenance of grass-root social stability and county economic development. However, it also results in some problems such as financial security decline and difficulty in resolving the local debt because of the weaknesses in some related aspects including financial supervision, the department budget and finance cadres. This article recommends establishing a scientific county and township financial management system and operation mechanism by the means of matching the fi-nancial force and affairs, so strengthening the functions of township finance in deepening the financial reform.
Fiscal Science
Township-finance-supervised-by-county System
Budget Management
Yinqiao Town