BMC(基板管理控制器,英文全称Baseboard Management Controller)管理系统是服务器主板上独立于操作系统之外的嵌入式管理子系统,支持行业标准的IPMI协议,是服务器主板上一个重要的组成部分。国产平台服务器因在架构上有别于传统的X86平台服务器,在主板的BMC管理系统的软硬件设计上也与X86平台服务器存在不同之处。
BMC(Baseboard Management Controller) management system is an important part of the server, which is a system of independent embedded-operating from the main system on the server motherboard, and supports industry standard IPMI protocol. The server of domestic platform is different from the traditional X86 platform server, so the software and hardware design of the BMC management system on the server of domestic platform is different from the X86 platform server.
Information Technology and Informatization