目的研究用唾液代替血液进行碳酸锂含量的测定.方法 同时进行门诊和住院精神病人的唾液和血液的采集并及时进行测定.结果 100 例患者唾液锂盐浓度比血清锂盐浓度较高,2者比较差异有统计学意义.结论 唾液锂盐浓度较高于血清锂盐浓度,不能简单地用唾液锂盐浓度替代血清锂盐浓度,但是可以作为血锂浓度监测的补充以减少患者的痛苦,增加患者的配合度,并且可以避免因穿刺带来的院内感染等不良后果.
Objectiveto study the use of saliva instead of lithium carbonate content determined by blood. Methods simultaneously outpatient and hospitalized psychiatric patients saliva and blood collection and in a timely manner. Results 100 patients saliva lithium salt concentration than serum lithium salt concentration is higher, comparing the two difference was statistically significant. Conclusion saliva lithium salt concentration is higher than that of serum lithium salt concentration, cannot simply be replaced with lithium salt concentration of saliva serum lithium salt concentration, but can be used to supplement the lithium blood concentration monitoring in order to reduce the pain of patients, increase the patient's cooperation degree, and can avoid nosocomial infection due to puncture.
Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
mental blood saliva lithium carbonate