
富氧燃烧模拟烟气一体化压缩脱硫脱硝试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on Integrated Compression, Desulfurization and Denitrification with Simulated Gas in Oxy-fuel Combustion
摘要 富氧燃烧是能够大规模商业化捕集CO_2的主流技术之一,为进一步探讨富氧燃烧压缩过程捕集CO_2性能、并同时一体化脱硫脱硝技术的能力,在搭建的50 kg/h规模的试验平台上,通过调整不同的参数,采用液体CO_2洗涤混合气体技术,表明压缩过程可同时脱除NO_x和SO_x等污染物,通过试验进一步研究液气比对NO_x和SO_x脱除的影响。结果表明,整体脱硫率、脱硝率可达98%以上,尾气中SO_2体积分数低于50×10^(-6),NO_x体积分数小于30×10^(-6),富氧燃烧系统中压缩纯化过程具备实现一体化脱硫脱硝的潜力。 Oxy-fuel combustion is one of the mainstream techniques of large-scale commercial CO2 eapture. In order to intensively study the performance of C02 capture, also the capability of the integrated desulfurization and denitrification in the compression process during oxy-iuel combustion, the liquid carbon dioxide is used to wash the mixed gas on the 50 kg/h test stand and related parameters are adjusted. It is showed that NOx, SOx and other pollutants can be removed in the compression process simuhaneously. Furthermore, the test on the effect of liquid-gas ratio on NOx and SO, removal efficiencies is conducted. The results show that the total NOx and SOx removal effieiencies are both up to more than 98% with SO2 contents less than 50x10-6 and NOx contents less than 30x10^4 in the exhausted flue gas. The study concludes that the compression and purification process has the potential to achieve the integrated desulfurizatinn and denltrification.
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期170-174,共5页 Electric Power
基金 2011年神华集团重大科技创新项目(中国神华科[2011]368号) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2015BAA05B02)
关键词 燃煤发电 富氧燃烧 压缩纯化 脱硫脱硝 二氧化碳 污染物治理 eoal-fired power generation oxyfuel combustion eompression and purification desulfurization and denitrification carpondioxide pollutant control
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