With an increased proportion of ethnic minorities in urban population, ethnic minorities have become an important part of China' s urban population. Then, are there ethnic wage level differences in China' s urban residents? If there are, are the differences at different wage levels the same? Based on the data of the 1% population sample survey in 2005, we find that wage level differences exist between the minorities and the Han people in China' s cities and towns. Quantile regression and decomposition analysis show that, there are some differences. In the groups below the medium level, minority' s wage level is lower than that of the Han, and in the groups of medium and above medium levels, minority s wage level is higher than that of the Han. At the wage levels from low to high, wage differences display a U shape trend, which means that the wage differences decrease first and then increase. The contribution of ethnic factors to wage differences follows the same pattern of change, while that of human capital characteristics to wage differences presents an opposite pattern.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
urban residents
wage level
ethnic differences