

The Research about Anti-terrorism Situation of Global Network Management Development Trend
摘要 现阶段恐怖主义在文明世界严防死守的高压策略下依然屡屡得手,恐袭机率日趋频密;另一方面,应当看到世界各国已更为重视互联网与恐怖主义之间的内在联系,积极尝试在网络治理规范建设过程中更多地容纳反恐斗争的诸多因素、更好地助益反恐目的的最大化实现。在此时代背景下,更多的立法者已经注意到需要在网络治理领域引入新的规范格局,在网络安全的高度修正和完善网络治理路径。而就目前的形势而言,以网络安全为重心的顶层设计旨在对两者各自的一般权重做出侧重性安排,以实时共享为特征的制度设计更追求安全价值的最大化实现,司法判例的基本立场在于精致地限制私人权益以尽可能地满足安全的需要,而强化网络信息内容的管控则是各方安全诉求日趋迫切的直接结果。 Under the perspective of fight against the terrorism worldwide, more and more countries are looking into the bilateral relationship between the Internet and the terrorism, as well as taking into consideration also the factors of anti-terrorism. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the highly separated Internet governance norms, it is almost necessary to improve the general framework the starting point of which should be the cybersecurity. Actually speaking, the much more rational approach for the cybersecurity could be the real time information sharing among the private and public sectors which asks for a feasible and delicate balance between the relevant rights and obligations of various subjects. Furthermore, the recent judicial practice of common law shows that the private rights meet more limitations in order to satisfy the public security need for which the evident trend is to strengthen the direct or/and indirect control on the online Internet contents.
作者 吴沈括
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第4期50-55,共6页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 网络安全 网络治理 恐怖主义 信息分享 Cybersecurity Internet Governance Terrorism Information Sharing
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