The famous British political economics magazine"The Economist"has proposed: I Keqiang Index can objectively reflect the reality of China's economy more than the official GDP. So based on that,we use the Li Keqiang index instead of GDP as output variables in this paper,and analysis from two perspectives of tradition and quality. In this paper,the DEA-Malmquist model is used to estimate the total factor productivity of the 29 regions of China in the 2000- 2012 years,and through horizontal and vertical comparison,we analyze the regional differences in total factor productivity and its convergence characteristics. It shows that the total factor productivity in the perspective of quality is significantly lower,and this further validates the TFP of the Li Keqiang index than GDP description is more accurate,reasonable; technological progress has become the main reason affecting quality perspective under the Li Keqiang index of total factor productivity; through the test of convergence,we find that total factor productivity among different regions exist βconvergence without convergence.
Economic Survey