What follows New York City's urbanization process is the rising of conflict and contradictions: towering skyscrapers and dense street grid witness the simultaneous vertical city development and horizontal urban crawL; while the vertical development has resulted in the Lack of Lateral communication and hierarchical differences; manufactured Landscapes substitute for natural scenes, eliminating the urban primitive texture and natural communities, etc. The bald concept "New York Horizon" strives to address these contradictions in an innovative yet utopian point of view, at the same time making characteristics and contradictions of New York more obviously revealed. In the project, traditional towering skyscrapers are concealed while the original site texture reemerges, boundless natural landscape is created by the reflection of glass facade, although with the shield of the skyscrapers. These poetic approaches eventuaLLy enabled us to transform New York's skyline into its new horizon.
Landscape Architecture Frontiers