

Double tutor system in nursing teaching of vascular interventional therapy at department of obstetrics and gynecology
摘要 目的探讨双导师制在妇产科血管性介入治疗护理教学中的效果及意义。方法将2013年1月至2015年12月妇产科住院部在科护理人员共120名分为A组和B组,各60名。A组为观察组,采用双导师制教授妇产科血管性介入治疗的护理知识。B组为对照组,采用“一对一”带教方法教授妇产科血管性介入治疗的护理知识。带教前后分别交叉使用A卷、B卷对研究对象所掌握的妇产科血管性介入治疗护理知识进行理论考核,带教期间各组研究对象分别护理5例妇产科血管性介入治疗患者。带教结束后2013年2月至2016年2月抽查两组临床护理效果,对比评价两种不同教学方法的效果及意义。结果带教后,观察组妇产科血管性介入治疗理论知识考核明显高于对照组[(89.0±3.0)分VS.(72.0±4.0)分,P〈0.01;2013年2月至2016年2月护理的血管性介入治疗患者:观察组术后阴道排液持续时间(6.5±1.5)d、留置尿管时间(30.5±4.3)h、制动持续时间(103±1.6)h、腹痛持续时间(26.0±1.8)h、术后低热持续时间(3.0±1.2)d,明显短于对照组((8.1±0.2)d、(65.1±3.2)h、(32.0±9.5)h、(60.0±12)h、(6.3±1.1)d1,P〈0.01;观察组患者治疗依从性明显优于对照组(99.0%VS.80.5%),P〈0.01;血栓形成例数(观察组1例、对照组5例)无统计学差异,P〉0.05。结论双导师制适合妇产科血管性介入治疗护理带教,能提高学习者系统理解、掌握、运用所学知识的能力,更好地开展专科护理,提升妇产科血管性介入治疗的临床护理效果。 Objective To explore the effect and significance of double tutor system in the nursing teaching of vascular interventional therapy at department of obstetrics and gynecology. Methods From January 2013 to December, 2015, 120 nursing staff at the department of obstetrics and gynecology were divided into group A and group B, 60 for each group. Group A was set as an observation group and were taught the nursing knowledge of obstetric and gynecological vascular interventional treatment with double tutor system and group B as a control group and taught with "one to one" teaching method. Before and after the teaching, paper A and paper B were used to assess the subjects' nursing knowledge of obstetric and gynecological vascular interventional treatment. During the period of teaching, the objects of both groups cared 5 patients undertaking vascular interventional treatment at the department of obstetrics and gynecology. After the teaching, the nursing effects were investigated in both groups from February, 2013 to February, 2016 and the effects and significances of these two teaching methods were evaluated. Results After the teaching, the knowledge of obstetric and gynecological vascular interventional treatment was commanded better by the observation group than by the control group [(89~3) vs. (724-4), P〈O.01 ]. For the patients undertaking vascular interventional treatment and cared from February, 2013 to February, 2016, the postoperative vaginal discharge duration, uric-catheter-indwelled duration, immobilized duration, abdominal pain duration, and postoperative fever duration were significantly shorter in the observation group than in the control group [(6.5±1.5)d vs. (8.1±0.2)d, (30.5±4.3)h vs. (65.1±3.2)h, (10.3±1.6)h vs. (32.0±9.5) h, (26.0±1.8)h vs. (60.0±12)h, and (3.0±1.2)d vs. (6.3±1.1)d; P〈0.01]. The treatment compliance was better in the observation group than in the control group (99.0% vs. 80.5%, P〈0.01). 1 case got thrombosis in the observation group and 5 in the control group, with no statistical difference (P〉0.05). Conclusions Double tutor system for the nursing education of vascular interventional treatment at the department of gynecology and obstetrics can improve the nurses' ability of understanding, commanding, and using the knowledge, help develop specific nursing care better, and increase the nursing effect.
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2016年第18期2895-2899,共5页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
关键词 双导师制 妇产科 血管介入性治疗 临床护理 教学 Double tutor system Obstetrics and gynecology Vascular interventional treatment Clinical nursing Teaching
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