

Reference Problem:The Dualistic Abstract Structural Issue
摘要 指称问题研究之应有的广度和深度在既有的分析范式——主要是就"语言"来看问题——中并未穷尽,"指称何以可能"的问题还有待于进入哲学探究的视野。澄清指称问题的发生机制,即指称问题缘于由语词与所指构成的指称之抽象二元对立结构,不仅有助于我们在理论层面上重新审视指称问题,也能在相当程度上使人们得以避免在生存实践领域囿于指称的抽象二元对立结构而可能导致的一系列后果。 The referent of a word is uncertain even without referent that is reference problem, and it obsesses human beings ' intelligence. However, in order to deal with this problem, probably one can only base on reality to regulate language, or make the meaning of word get rid of reality and to be independent. But the core question of "how word to refer" is ignored by reference theory. This paper conclude that reference problem derives from the referential dualistic abstract structure which is constructed by word and its referent, and referential structure lies in linguistic abstract of speech in existence practice. That is, reference problem is an abstract problem of language per se, and which is possible only in the abstract language.
作者 孙杨
出处 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期59-65,共7页 The Northern Forum
关键词 指称问题 语词 所指 抽象 reference problem word reference abstract
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