目前仔猪21 d左右断奶就可以被称作是早期断奶,与自然断奶相比,其优势在于断奶时间提早,这样既减少了母猪哺乳料的用量,又使分娩舍得到了较高的利用率。其劣势在于过早的断奶,在生产中容易产生如心理上的应激、消化免疫等生理应激、冷热等方面的环境应激等,原因在于仔猪过早的断奶,其消化功能还不完善,胃酸分泌不足,且消化酶减少,综合来看会导致p H值升高,使肠道绒毛受损,就会发生腹泻等疾病。本课题的目的是确定适宜的断奶日龄,以提高母猪的年产窝数,并且降低饲养成本,从而提高经济效益,进而促进养猪业的发展。试验选用64头长白×长白二元杂交仔猪,按断奶日龄不同,分为19日龄组、22日龄组、25日龄组,每个处理组4圈,每圈中有4头。试验过程中测定了生长性能方面的指标,试验结果如下:1各试验组仔猪生长性能指标中,25日龄断奶的仔猪比22日龄和19日龄断奶的仔猪的增重效果明显。2各试验组仔猪死亡率与腹泻率中,25日龄断奶的仔猪体内大肠杆菌数量比22日龄组合19日龄组的少,且肠道内的乳酸菌要多,所以在腹泻方面要优于22日龄和19日龄断奶的仔猪。
At present about 21 days of weaning can be called early weaning, compared with the naturalweaning. Its advantage lies in early weaning time, thus reducing the amount of lactation feed, and mater-nity homes get higher utilization rate. The disadvantage is that the premature weaning and in productionsuch as psychological stress, digestion and immunity of physiological stress, hot and cold environmentalstress. The reason is that the piglet early weaning and their digestive function is not perfect, lack of gas-tric acid secretion, and digestive enzymes to reduce, comprehensive point of view will lead to increasedthe p H, damage the intestinal villi, there will be diarrhea and other diseases. The purpose of this studyis to determine the appropriate weaning age, in order to increase the annual output of litter, and reducethe cost of feeding, thereby improving economic efficiency, and thus to promote the development of pigindustry. 64 Landrace × Landrace crossbred piglets were chosen in this experiment. According to the dif-ferent weaning age, divided into 19 age group, 22 days of age group, 25 age group. Each group 4 laps,each lap in 4. The determination of the index of growth performance. The results are as follows:① thegrowth performance of piglets in each test group, 25 days of weaning piglets than 22 day old and 19 dayold weaned piglets weight gain effect is obvious. ②the piglets in the test group mortality and diarrhearate, 25 day old weaned piglets Escherichia coli number than the 22 day old combination 19 age groupof less, and lactic acid bacteria in the gut to, soin terms of diarrhea is superior to the age of 22 and 19 day old weaned piglets.
Feed Industry
weaned piglets
weaning age
growth performance