Affected by natural conditions and human activities,karst areas have gained more ecological catastrophes. Regional ecological risk assessment combines regional ecological characteristics,and measures ecological risk components and identifies ecological risk spatial differences,which provide a basis for risk management. We took Guiyang City,which is a typical karst ecological fragile area,as our research area,and applied Relative Risk Model to identify regional ecological risk characteristics. Following Monte Carlo Simulation uncertainty analysis,we came up with ecological risk management measures for Guiyang City. Conclusions obtain: 1) RRM is efficient for representing ecological risk spatial pattern for Guiyang City,showing that ecological risk decreases from urban-dominated high level area outwards to suburb area; 2) Human activity intensity is the most important factor affecting ecological risk in Guiyang City,while landscape pattern stability affects ecosystem's stability and resilience. Terrain and rocky desertification will aggravate ecological risk to some extent; 3) Uncertainty analysis has furtherly verified models' validity. It showed that uncertainty will do local interference with risk assessment,mainly on low risk area. Results will hold an important and meaningful instruction to ecosystem spatial management in Guiyang City.
Mountain Research