
卤水体积和应力速率影响下海冰强度的统一表征 被引量:11

Unified representation of sea ice strengths under influences of brine volume and stress rate
摘要 无论在地球物理尺度下研究海冰的动力学演化特性,还是在工程结构尺度下分析海冰与海洋结构物的相互作用过程,海冰强度均是影响海冰宏观变形和细观破坏规律的重要力学参数。本文通过对渤海海冰物理力学性质的现场和室内试验,分析了海冰压缩、弯曲和剪切强度参数与卤水体积、应力速率的对应关系。试验结果表明,海冰强度与卤水体积更好地呈指数关系,与应力速率呈线性关系;在此基础上,本文建立了由卤水体积和应力速率共同表征的海冰强度统一函数关系,为工程领域对海冰强度的选取提供有力的参考依据。 Sea ice strength, as one of the most important mechanical parameters affecting the macro-deformation characteristics and micro-failure features of sea ice, plays a significant role both on sea ice dynamics of geophysical scale and ice load of offshore structures. In this study, sea ice mechanical and physical parameters of the Bohai Sea were measured in field and laboratory tests. The relationships between sea ice strengths and the brine volume and stress rates are analyzed based on the experimental data. The results demonstrate that the exponential function can express the relationship between the sea ice strengths and the square root of brine volume, while the linear function is perfect for the relationship between sea ice strengths and the stress rate. Finally, the unified representation of sea ice strengths under the influences of brine volume and stress rate is established. This present work can be ben- efit for the determination of sea ice strength in the engineering applications.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期126-133,共8页
基金 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201105016 201205007) 国家自然科学基金项目(41176012 41576179 41506109)
关键词 海冰 单轴压缩强度 弯曲强度 剪切强度 卤水体积 应力速率 统一表征 sea ice uniaxial compressive strength flexura[ strength shear strength brine volume stress rate unified representation
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