
故事诱发方式对4~6岁儿童故事复述的影响 被引量:8

The Impacts of Story Elicited Mode on 4~6 Years Old Children's Story Retellings
摘要 叙事是学龄前儿童语言发展的重要组成部分,对儿童发展具有重要意义。故事复述是幼儿园叙事教学活动的常见形式,并常借助一定的凭借物如图片、手偶或实物玩具等进行。本研究采用叙事分析法从叙事的宏观结构、微观结构、叙事评价和叙事顺序四个维度对儿童的故事复述水平进行分析,考察手偶、玩具和绘画三种诱发方式对儿童故事复述的影响。选取大、中、小班共147名儿童参与实验,每个年龄组儿童分成三组,选取故事《三只小猪》作为实验材料,分别要求其在三种不同的故事诱发方式下进行故事复述。结果发现在手偶诱发方式下,儿童在叙事评价和叙事微观结构上表现出明显优势,小班儿童在手偶诱发方式下产生了较好的叙事宏观结构;在绘画诱发方式下,儿童的叙事顺序显著较好,且大班和中班儿童表现出叙事宏观结构上的优势;儿童的叙事表现随年龄增长而发展。这与故事凭借物的特征、不同年龄儿童信息加工的方式以及叙事指标本身的特点密切相关。教师和家长在故事教学中应充分考虑儿童的年龄特征及其叙事水平和特点,选择适宜的故事诱发方式,提升儿童的语言叙事能力,促进语言教学的最优化。 Narrative is an indispensable part of children's daily lives. Narrative competence plays an important role in children's transition from the oral phase to the written one and has been demonstrated to be linked to later reading skills, literacy ability, and general academic performance. Story retelling is very popular in kindergarten with the help of certain story elicited objects such as pictures, puppets and toys and so on. 147 children aged 4-6-year-old were divided into three small groups within each grade. Children were asked to retell the story "Three Little Pigs" after listening to the story. Three story elicited modes included painting group, puppet group and toy group. Children's narratives were recorded by the recorder pen and video recorder. And the data were analyzed through SPSSI7.0 respective[y. The re- suits showed that retellings of puppet group performed better in microscopic structure and narrative evalu- ation, and 4-year-old children showed good macroscopic storytelling structure with the help of puppet. The performance of narrative sequence in painting group was better than the other two groups, and five- six-year-old children had the advantage on the macroscopic structure. Children's story retelling ability improved with the age. The results were related with the characteristics of the story elicited objects, the in- formation processing characteristics of children of different age, and the narrative parameters. Based on the study, the narrative inducing style should be taken into consideration in preschoolers' story teaching ac- cording to the narrative levels and characteristics of children in order to optimize language teaching.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期47-56,共10页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年项目"汉语聋童的叙事特征及其叙事能力发展的干预研究"(编号:CHA130165)
关键词 故事诱发方式 故事复述 故事教学 story elicited mode, story retelling, story teaching
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