
腕式剂量计校准的标准辐射场的建立及其应用 被引量:1

Establishment and application of standard radiation field for wrist dosimeter calibration
摘要 目的按照国际电工委员会(IEC)技术规范及我国现行核行业标准的相关要求,在国家二级标准剂量学实验室研究与建立用于照射腕式剂量计校准曲线的X、γ射线标准辐射场,使这类监测数据具有溯源性。方法通过标准剂量仪测量不同能量X射线^137Cs及^60Co参考源等3个辐射场的空气比释动能率,结合相关标准规范提供的弱贯穿辐射Hp(0.07)转换系数,确定了照射腕式剂量计校准曲线的X、γ标准辐射场参考条件,使用热释光腕式剂量计(TLD)在国际标准化组织(ISO)网柱模体上照射,完成了TLD腕式剂量计线性、能量响应等剂量学指标的验证工作。结果建立了用于照射腕式剂量计校准曲线的X、γ射线标准辐射场。结论建立的X、γ标准辐射场可以用于照射腕式剂量计标准曲线和能量响应等特性实验的技术服务、并为开展相关的研究工作提供实验条件,进一步提高了监测数据的可比性和可靠性。 Objective To establish the standard X/γ radiation fields with respect to the wrist dosimeter calibration curve as required by the international electrotechnial commission (IEC) technical specifications and the relevant national standard. Methods Air-kerma rate was determined in the X-ray beams,^ 137Cs and ^60Co radiation fields by a standard dosimeter. The wrist thermdumineseent dosimetry (TLD) dosimeter was calibrated with personal dose equivalent values Hp (0. 07) on the organization for standardization( iSO ) wrist-phantom based on the radiation fields. Results The standard X/γ radiation field for the wrist dosimeter irradiation was established. Conclusions Established X/γ standard radiation field can be used for such technical services as wrist dosimeter calibration curve and energy response characteristics experiment.
出处 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期703-706,共4页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
基金 同家科技支撑计划项目(2014BA112804)
关键词 腕式剂量计 空气比释动能 弱贯穿辐射Hp(0.07) 标准辐射场 Wrist dosimeter Air-kerma Hp (0. 07) Standard radiation field
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