
六味地黄丸联合中药方剂穴位敷贴治疗2型糖尿病便秘的临床观察 被引量:30

Clinical Observation of Liuwei Dihuang Pill Combined with TCM Prescription Acupoint Application in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Constipation
摘要 目的:观察六味地黄丸联合中药方剂穴位敷贴治疗2型糖尿病患者便秘的疗效和安全性。方法:120例2型糖尿病便秘患者按随机数字表法分为对照组(60例)和观察组(60例)。所有患者根据病情合理应用控制血压、调节血脂药物,饮食控制结合运动,给予盐酸二甲双胍片(0.5 g/次,2次/d)和阿卡波糖片(100 mg/次,3次/d)。在此基础上,对照组患者口服枸橼酸莫沙必利片5 mg,每日3次;观察组患者口服六味地黄丸8丸(每日3次)并联合中药方剂穴位(双天枢穴、双涌泉穴、双神阙穴、双足三里)敷贴。7 d为1个疗程,两组均治疗3个疗程。观察两组患者临床疗效,治疗前后血糖情况[2 h餐后血糖(2 h PG)、空腹血糖(FPG)]、临床症状指标(排便间隔时间、每次排便时间、周排便次数)及不良反应发生情况。结果:观察组患者总有效率显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗前,两组患者2 h PG、FPG、排便间隔时间、每次排便时间、周排便次数比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后,两组患者2 h PG、FPG均显著低于同组治疗前,且观察组低于对照组;排便间隔时间、每次排便时间均显著短于同组治疗前,且观察组短于对照组;周排便次数均显著多于同组治疗前,且观察组多于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗期间,对照组共计6例发生不良反应,观察组共计5例发生不良反应,两组不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:六味地黄丸联合中药方剂穴位敷贴治疗2型糖尿病患者便秘疗效较好,能有效改善患者便秘症状,降低患者排便间隔时间和每次排便时间,增加患者周排便次数,不影响降糖疗效,且临床不良反应较小,安全性较高。 OBJECTIVE: To obverse the efficacy and safety of Liuwei dihuang pill combined with TCM prescription acupoint application in the treatment of type 2 diabetic constipation. METHODS: 120 patients with type 2 diabetic constipation were random- ly divided into control group (60 cases) and observation group (60 cases). All patients received controlling blood pressure and regulating blood lipids drugs, diet control combined with exercise, and fixed dose of Metformin hydrochloride tablet (0.5 g/times, 2 times a day) and Acarbose tablet(100 rag/times, 3 times a day) ; based on it, control group received 5 mg Mosapride citrate tablet, 3 times a day; observation group additionally received 8 Liuwei dihuang pills (3 times a day) combined with TCM prescription acu- point application (in double Tianshu Point, double Yongquan point, double Shenque Point and double Zusanli). 7 d was regarded as a treatment course, and it lasted 3 courses. Clinical efficacy, blood glucose [2 h postprandial glucose (2 h PG), blood glucose (FPG)], the clinical symptom indexes (defecation interval time, each defecation time, weekly defecation frequency) before and af- ter treatment, and the incidence of adverse reactions in 2 groups were observed. RESULTS: The total effective rate in observation group was significantly higher than in control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). Before treatment, there were no significant differences in the 2 h PG, FPG, defecation interval time, each defecation time and weekly defecation fre- quency between 2 groups (P〉0.05). After treatment, 2 h PG and FPG in 2 groups were significantly lower than before, and obser- vation group was lower than control group; defecation interval time and each defecation time were significantly shorter than before, and observation group was shorter than control group; weekly defecation frequency was significantly higher than before, and obser- vation group was higher than control group, The differences were statistically significant (P〈0.05). During treatment, 6 patients showed adverse reactions in control group, and 5 in observation group, and there was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between 2 groups (P〉0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Liuwei dihuang pill combined with TCM priscription acupoint ap- plication shows good efficacy in the treatment of type 2 diabetic constipation. It can effectively improve constipation, reduce defeca- tion interval time and each defecation time, increase weekly defecation frequency and have no influence on blood glucose control with small adverse reactions and high safety.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第27期3797-3799,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 六味地黄丸 穴位敷贴 2型糖尿病 便秘 临床疗效 Liuwei dihuang pill Acupoint application Type 2 diabetes Constipation Clinical efficacy
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