
2016年安徽省大学生健美操比赛情况分析研究 被引量:1

The Analysis And Research On The Situation Of Aerobics Competition Of The 2016 College Student In Anhui Province
摘要 为了推进健美操运动在安徽省高校的积极健康和可持续的发展,采用了文献资料法、调查访谈法、数理统计等方法,分析了2016年安徽省大学生健美操比赛的情况,研究结果表明本次比赛在赛制和规则上有所变化、参赛的队伍有所增加、裁判员执裁越来越规范、团体总分两极分化以及新增项目的成绩悬殊最大等。并且在此基础上提出继续增加单项比赛项目、各级体育主管部门应加大对健美操项目的推广和资金的投入、多组织比赛、教练员应加强业务学习等建议。 In order to promote positive、healthy and sustainable development of the aerobics in colleges and universities in Anhui province,this paper adopted the methods of documentary,investigation,interview,mathematical statistics,etc,and analyzed the situation of the aerobics competition of the 2016 college student in Anhui province. The results showed that this competition had some changes in the format and rules、increasing number of teams in the competition、the referee perform work more and more specifications、group total score polarization and the largest disparity of grade is new project. On the basis of this,this paper puts forward advice that continue to increase single competition of aerobics and the departments at all levels should intensify their promotion and investment of funds for the aerobics、organized more competitions,coaches should strengthen business learning and so on.
出处 《安徽体育科技》 2016年第4期86-89,共4页 Journal of Anhui Sports Science
关键词 安徽省 大学生 健美操比赛 Anhui province college student aerobics competition
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