
新世纪以来越南对美“伙伴关系”政策评析 被引量:1

On the Vietnam's Policy of “Partnership”to the United States in the New Century
摘要 新世纪以来越南对美"伙伴关系"政策的提出及实施推动越美关系取得了突破性的进展,但给越中全面战略伙伴关系的稳定带来了消极影响,并造成越美在南海问题上携手制衡中国的趋势加强,导致当前南海周边地区局势愈加复杂化。未来的越美关系将在两国建立"全面伙伴关系"的框架下尝试进行带有结盟性质的合作,受此影响,未来越中关系有可能演变成为长期的"经热政冷"格局。 The Vietnam's policy of "Partnership" to the United States from the beginning of the new century has played on important role in pushing the development of relation between Vietnam and the United States ; however, i! has also brought some negative effects on the stable relation between Vietnam and the United States and caused the more complicated South China Sea's situation. In the future, the relation between Vietnam and the United States will make a bigger breakthrough with the frame of found "comprehensive partnership". Under the context, the fu- ture relation between China and Vietnam will be supposed Poland at the end of the cold war, i. e. both countries will substantial progress in politics. to develop into the similar relation between Russia and cooperate stably in the economics and cannot make an
作者 杨耀源
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2016年第5期61-69,共9页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2016年中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)项目"越南国内政治与对外政策研究"(16XNH033)
关键词 伙伴关系 越南 美国 政策 Partnership Vietnam the United States Policy
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