
芬兰医疗卫生体制经验及对我国的启示 被引量:5

Experience of Finland's Medical Health Care System and Enlightenment for China
摘要 芬兰社会福利和卫生保健系统是基于政府补贴的市政社会福利和卫生保健服务,除了公共部门,许多私人企业和非政府机构也提供服务。2012年,芬兰国内生产总值为1 801亿欧元。公共消费占GDP的24.6%。在2010年,芬兰的卫生保健支出为160亿欧元,相当于国内生产总值的8.9%,约每人3 000欧元,接近经济合作与发展组织国家的平均水平。芬兰的医疗卫生体系分为初级卫生保健与专业医疗保健。通过回顾芬兰国家医疗卫生体系的发展历程,对其发展经验的总结,介绍了芬兰卫生服务体系、医疗卫生筹资、卫生保健服务、医疗卫生服务利用和医疗卫生服务监管制度;并结合我国国情,提出我国可借鉴的发展经验。 Finland's social welfare and healthcare system is based on government-subsidized municipal social wel- fare and health care services. Except for the public sector, many private enterprise and non-governmental organiza- tions also provide services. In 2012, the gross domestic product is 180.1 billion Euros, and the public expenditure accounts for 24.6% of the GDP. In 2010, the health care expenditure of Finland is 16 billion Euros, which is equiva- lent to 8.9% of the GDP, about 3 000 Euros per person. This is closed to the average level of the OECD countries. Fin- land's medical health system includes primary health care and professional medical care. The paper introduces Finland's health care system, medical health financing, health care services, medical health services utilize as well as the su- pervision system. At last, the paper gives recommendations according to China's current situation.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2016年第10期78-80,共3页 Chinese Hospital Management
关键词 卫生体系 医疗保健 卫生政策 芬兰 health system, medical care, health policy, Finland
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