

Fuzziness and Salience: Identity Construction under the First-Person Pronouns
摘要 第一人称代词作为话语者的自我指称,充份体现了话语者的自我归类性,并因其自身的确定性与模糊性使其构建身份的凸显与模糊成为可能。本文以2015年美国奥巴马发表的国情咨文为语料,从模糊语言学的视角,在身份建构的理论框架下,通过分析第一人称代词的使用与分布探讨言语交际中话语者如何选择第一人称代词进行固定的视点定位凸显与模糊身份,进而探讨其身份建构背后隐藏的语用意图。研究发现:话语者在表达陈述概况分享信息时运用第一人称代词复数的模糊性凸显自己的社会身份,模糊个人身份,规避责任,顺应礼貌原则;而在陈述建议、推行策略时则向第一人称单数转变,凸显个人身份,模糊社会身份,顺应权势原则。 As the self-reference, first- person pronouns can fully embody the classification of the speaker's identity. They make it possible to construct the fuzziness and salience aspects of identity, because they themselves are fuzzy and salient in the usage. Choosing the 2015 President Obamag State of the Union Address(SUA) as the corpus, this article tries to study and explore how the speaker will use and arrange the first -person pronouns in the speech communication to fulfill his identity construction in the aspects of fuzziness and sali- ence under the influence of communicative purpose. Findings reveal that the speaker uses the fuzziness of first - person plural pronouns to share information, highlighting his own social status in order to evade responsibility, which complies with the politeness principle; While when stating the suggestion and implementing policies, the speaker use first - person singular pronouns to highlight personal identity, which complies with the principle of power.
机构地区 江苏师范大学
出处 《湖南广播电视大学学报》 2016年第3期50-54,共5页 Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University
关键词 第一人称代词 模糊性 身份建构 语用意图 first - person pronouns fuzziness identity construction communicative purpose
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