为选育适于江苏淮北地区种植的高产稳产小麦新品种,江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所2001年以‘烟农19’和‘郑州991’进行杂交,用系谱法选育出小麦新品种‘淮麦33’,2013年通过江苏省审定(苏审麦201305),2014年通过国家审定(国审麦2014001)。参加江苏省区域试验结果:2010—2012年江苏省淮北区域试验,平均产量7977.90 kg/hm2,较对照‘淮麦20’增产6.28%;2012—2013年江苏省生产试验,平均产量7948.95 kg/hm2,比对照‘淮麦20’增产5.96%,居参试品种第1位。参加国家区域试验结果:2011—2013年国家区域试验,平均产量7563.30 kg/hm2,比对照‘周麦18’增产6.83%,增产差异极显著,增产点率94.10%,均值变异系数10.11%,适应度82.34%。2013—2014年国家生产试验,平均产量8934.00 kg/hm2,比对照增产6.13%,居该组试验品种第1位,增产点率100%。通过多年多点区域试验表明:‘淮麦33’株型理想、产量潜力高,对黄淮麦区小麦主要病害、逆害具有良好的抗(耐)性,尤其是2010年、2012年赤霉病大发生、2013年倒春寒严重发生的情况下,稳产性突出。
In order to obtain wheat varieties with high and stable yield, which are suitable for planting inHuaibei region of Jiangsu Province,‘Yannong No.19'was hybridized with‘Zhengzhou 991'in AgricultureScience Research Institute of Huaiyin in Xuzhou and Huaiyin area of Jiangsu Province in 2001,‘HuaimaiNo.33'was bred with pedigree method, and passed the Jiangsu provincial approval in 2013(Jiangsu review ofthe 201305) and the national approval in 2014(country review of the 2014001). The results showed that theaverage yield was 7977.90 kg/hm2 in regional trial of Jiangsu Province from 2010 to 2012. The yield increasedby 6.28% compared with that of the control‘Huaimai No.20'. The average yield was 7948.95 kg/hm2 inproduction test of Jiangsu Province from 2012 to 2013. The yield increased by 5.96% compared with that of thecontrol‘Huaimai No.20', ranking the first among the tested varieties. The average yield was 7563.30 kg/hm2 in the national regional trial from 2011 to 2013, increased obviously by 6.83%, compared with the control‘Zhoumai No.18', the rate of production increase was 94.10%, the variation coefficient was10.11%, and thefitness was 82.34%. The average yield was 8934.00 kg/hm2 in national production test and 6.13% higher than that of‘Zhoumai No.18'(CK), ranking the first among the test varieties and the rate of production increase was100%. The results showed that‘Huaimai No.33'was a new wheat variety of ideal plant type and high yieldpotential, it had good resistance and tolerance to diseases and adverse harm in Huanghuai area, and the varietymaintained an obviously stable yield in wheat scab outbreaks of 2010 and 2012 and the unusually serious coldspell in late spring of 2013.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Huaimai No.33
high yield
stable yield
agronomic trait