溶质在渗透脱水过程中过多渗入组织不利于渗透脱水进程,同时对营养、感官特性与外观形态等均会产生不利影响。为了抑制渗透脱水过程中溶质过多渗入扇贝柱,提高渗透脱水效率,研究了壳聚糖、低甲氧基果胶与海藻酸钠等3种不同成膜预处理对扇贝柱渗透脱水过程中传质特性影响。采用Peleg模型拟合扇贝柱渗透脱水过程中传质和动力学参数;采用Fick’s第二扩散定律评估水分扩散系数(Dew)和溶质扩散系数(Des)以及渗透脱水效率(Dew/Des)。扇贝柱渗透脱水过程受到成膜材料种类、渗透溶液温度和氯化钠质量分数影响显著(P〈0.05)。成膜预处理扇贝柱的水分损失和氯化钠渗入的初始速率与平衡速率均低于(P〈0.05)未经涂膜的对照组。有效扩散系数随着渗透脱水温度的升高而增加,水分和氯化钠有效扩散系数范围分别为1.224×10-9~2.466×10-9 m2/s和1.152×10-9~1.894×10-9 m2/s。成膜预处理可在维持较高失水率的同时有效地控制高温渗透脱水过程中氯化钠的渗入。海藻酸钠与低甲氧基果胶成膜预处理后扇贝柱的脱水效率(Dew/Des)高于(P〈0.05)对照组。然而,对于壳聚糖成膜预处理,当氯化钠液质量分数高于30%或者质量分数为20%且温度为25℃时,扇贝柱脱水效率高于(P〈0.05)对照组。扇贝柱渗透脱水过程中,为了调控固形物增加和提高渗透脱水效率,成膜预处理是一种行之有效的方法,具有广阔的应用前景。
During osmotic dehydration, extensive solute uptake induces undesirable side effects(such as counteracts water removal, modifies nutritional and/or organoleptic properties in a negative mode, damages the product profile, etc.). In order to explore a novel approach to monitoring solute uptake during osmotic dehydration, effect of 3 coating pretreatments(viz., chitosan, low methoxyl pectinate and sodium alginate) on mass transfer process during osmotic dehydration of scallop adductors was investigated. Peleg's equation was employed to model the mass diffusion and its kinetics. Crank's analytical solution to Fick's second law was also adopted to evaluate the diffusivity of water(Dew), solute(Des) and osmotic dehydration efficiency(Dew/Des). Osmotic dehydration process was significantly(P〈0.05) influenced by the type of coating materials, temperatures and salt concentrations. Generally, the initial rates of water loss and salt uptake, and the amounts of water loss and salt uptake at equilibrium in coated samples were lower than that in non-coated ones. Effective diffusivity coefficients increased with increasing temperature and were found to be ranged from 1.224×10-9 m2/s to 2.466×10-9 m2/s, and 1.152×10-9 m2/s to 1.894×10-9 m2/s for water and salt, respectively. Coating treatments prior to osmotic dehydration could effectively monitor the solute uptake at high temperatures, while maintaining the amount of water loss. Coating with sodium alginate and low methoxyl pectinate prior to osmotic dehydration led to higher(P〈0.05) osmotic dehydration efficiency Dew/Des than that of non-coated ones. However, coating with chitosan resulted in higher(P〈0.05) osmotic dehydration efficiency Dew/Des than non-coated ones as salt concentration of 30% irrespective of temperature or 20% with temperature of 35 ℃. Coating is promising in monitoring solute uptake and promoting dehydration efficiency during osmotic dehydration of scallop adductors.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31171708)
mass transfer
scallop adductors