采用微生物分析方法和谱图(XPS)分析法研究了再生水浓缩倍率对硫酸盐还原菌(Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria,SRB)生长和脱氢酶活性以及SS316L表面化学组分的影响。结果表明,随浓缩倍率的提高SRB稳定生长期和SRB脱氢酶的活性增大。XPS分析揭示了含菌再生水环境中SS316L表面化学组分的演化过程。在含菌的再生水中浸泡初期(1-3 d),SS316L表面以Fe2O3和Fe3O4化合物为主,14d时SS316L表面形成Fe S2腐蚀产物。而在含菌的3倍浓缩再生水中浸泡初期SS316L表面以Fe2P3化合物为主,14 d时SS316L表面同时出现Fe OOH和Fe S2腐蚀产物。随着浓缩倍率的提高,SS316L试片表面生物膜厚度有所增加,表面沉积物增多,增大了金属微生物腐蚀倾向。
In this paper,we studied the influence on the dehydrogenase activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and the chemical compositions on the SS316 L coupon surface under different concentration ratios of reclaimed water using microbiological methods and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy( XPS) analysis. The result showed that SRB growth stabilization period and the dehydrogenase activity of SRB increase with the concentration ratio of the reclaimed water increase. XPS analysis revealed the evolution of chemical composition on the SS316 L surface with time in the reclaimed water. In the reclaimed water environment,Fe3O4 and Fe2O3were mainly compounds on the SS316 L surface for the initial immersion( 1-3 d),while for the end immersion( 14 d),compounds on the SS316 L surface transferred to corrosion product of Fe S2. In the reclaimed water concentrated 3 times,Fe2P3 was regarded as main compound on the SS316 L surface in the initial immersion. In the end immersion( 14 d),products of Fe OOH and Fe S2 appeared on the SS316 L coupon surface. The thickness of the biofilms on SS316 L grew as the concentration times increasing,increasing tendency of the metal to microbiologically influenced corrosion.
North China Electric Power