云管理的复杂系统如智能医院系统,是一个高效的、管理井井有条、经济运行良好的系统.高级管理方法、经常性工作项目、特征系统的反应过程,称为复杂系统行为的关键路径.关键路径的控制是复杂系统大数据研究的重点,是大数据实用化的方向.通过探讨MPLS关键字查找和CDN缓冲服务器动态复制,发挥其优于路由器算法的优势,建立动态数据库、传递中间数据,建立有距离的Network DB.实现在大数据时代下CDN关键路径预期管理和演化程序的源码,从而有效地管理大数据.
Cloud Management is a complex, highly efficient and well--run system which operates well in economy, e. g. intelligent hospital system. The critical path in complex system' s behaviors includes advanced management methods, the regular work projects and the reaction process of eigensystem. The control of the critical path is the focal point in research for the complex system of huge data. It' s also the direction for the practicability of the huge data. Its advantages over router algorithm are played; the dynamic database and distance Network DB are established and the intermediate data is transmitted by exploring MPLS keyword search and CDN dynamic cache server replication in order to implement the CDN critical path management of expectation, the source codes of evolution program under the huge data era and then effectively manage the huge data.
Journal of Liaoning Normal College(Natural Science Edition)