1例37岁男性因腰背部疼痛给予尼美舒利100 mg口服、2次/d。用药前PLT 155×10^9/L。用药第4天患者双臂和双腿出现针尖样出血点,压之不褪色,自行停药。第5天复查PLT降至 3×10^9/L。给予丙种球蛋白静脉滴注和甲泼尼龙冲击治疗。3 d后复查,PLT升至108×10^9/L,双臂和双腿的出血点减少。1个月后复查,PLT 125×10^9/L,出血点全部消退。
A 37-year-old male patient received nimesulide 0.1 g twice daily because of lower back pain. The platelet count was 155×10^9/L before the drug use. On day 4 of treatment, petechiae appeared and did not disappear after pressing. Nimesulide was stopped by himself. On day 5, the platelet count was 3×10^9/L. An IV infusion of gamma globulin and large dose of methylprednisolone were given. Three days later, his platelet count was 108×10^9/L and petechiae decreased. One month later, his platelet count was 125×10^9/L and petechiae disappeared.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal