Nanke Dream written by Tang Xianzu is a psychological drama. After abandoned by his community, Chun Yufen fell into a dream in which he experienced the happiness and bitterness as well as the rise and fall all his life in the ant kingdom. He woke up when he suddenly realized that life was uncertain and the passage of time was just like the flow of water, which was to people as to ants. The play shapes a unique image of self-transcend- ence and self-realization through the pure consciousness of Chun Yufen about individual tragedy. It brings the au- dience a new and different aesthetic experience. Tang Xianzu based his argument on "sentiment noumenon", ex- pressed his deep personal feelings towards life, and creatively depicted Chun Yu Fen' s painful experience from being attached to the secular world to struggling to free himself from the secular world and finally to self-realization and spiritual sublimation.
Journal of East China University of Technology(Social Science)